The stroller takes a place of great importance in your and your baby’s life. It enables you and your baby to move out in the outside world to explore, feel and enjoy together. Following are some safety tips that will help you to handle the stroller safely.
Standard Requirements Provided by the Manufacturer
When you buy your stroller you are assured of certain minimum safety requirements from the manufacturer. These standard requirements include locking mechanisms for the wheels, another locking mechanism to retain the seat of the stroller locked into an upright position, a 3 way safety belt and warning labels.
Precautions from Your Side
Be always close to your baby: Your baby feels safe when you are in his or her range of vision and so do you. It is necessary for you to have one hand on the stroller and if that is difficult to be at least sufficiently close so that you can grab it if the need arises.
Listen to the click of the harness: Ensure that your baby’s harness is firmly fastened. Howsoever, much you may be in a hurry, listen to the click of the harness as that will give you the needed assurance of your baby’s safety.
Take care with toys: You can hand your little one a small toy or a noise maker so that he remains entertained. Be sure that it is safe and does not cause a choking hazard.
Avoid leaving the stroller in the sun: During the warm months it is quite natural for you to head to the park or the pool. See that the stroller is covered and your baby shaded from the sun’s rays. The metal component in the stroller can get heated and damage the sensitive skin of your baby.
Avoid leaving it on a slope: In spite of the stroller wheels being locked, chances of the stroller tipping ahead cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the stroller can also slide on the slope if left unattended.
Avoid letting the baby sleep overnight: Sometimes, the baby may fall asleep in the stroller on your way back home from a walk. However, do not let the baby continue sleeping in it for the entire night. There are chances of the baby suffocating in the stroller, otherwise. You are notified about this fact in the warning label.
Avoid folding the stroller close to your baby: See that the stroller is folded and kept far away from the baby. Little kids are curious and their fiddling may get their fingers trapped in the hinges of the stroller. This could become a cause of great harm to your little one.
Keep all bags in the compartment below the seat bottom: Do not hang your purse or small bag around the handles of the stroller. Instead keep them in the storage space provided in the stroller and that is below the seat bottom.
On a Concluding Note
You will always want the best safety and security for your baby while moving out. Practice the above safety tips and you will be assured.